
Inbound marketing uses a web of digital threads to draw online traffic to your website. This innovative approach makes the most of recent changes in buyer behaviour by engaging web users with relevant, informative content that then guides them down your sales funnel towards a purchase.

Buyers are evolving, and if you want to hang on to your market share, you need to evolve too.

Inbound marketing takes advantage of rapidly changing buyer behaviour by using a combination of paid search, social media, and content marketing to drive traffic to your website. When your visitors submit their contact details in exchange for free, downloadable content, they become leads – known prospects you can then guide to a purchase decision with automated email workflows.

And, the best part is that the whole process is entirely measurable.
Powerful analytics allows you to measure the success of your campaigns and then adjust them for even greater impact, making this one of the best approaches for marketers who want to get the highest possible return on their investments.

At GCL we offer inbound marketing both as a stand alone service and as a digital solution integrated with telemarketing. We believe that inbound needs a human element, and telemarketing makes it possible for a marketer to determine immediately where a lead is in the sales funnel. They can then adapt their approach on the go, pushing the lead towards the bottom of the funnel if they are interested, or recommending certain content if they are not yet ready to buy.

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